• Name:Aditya Patil
  • Email:patiladitya1309@gmail.com
  • Website:maker-ATOM.github.io
  • Interests:Planning and Control, Robot System Architecture, Human Robot Interaction

Hello There!

I am Aditya Patil, a Robotics System Designer with a primary focus on designing and developing control software for Autonomous Mobile Robots and Manipulators utilizing ROS and ROS 2. My expertise lies in Sensor-Integration, Perception, Mapping for a autonomous robot and motion control for manipulators.

I am also a seasoned maker, indulging in the design and development of mini-robots, where I explore different technologies and methods for seamless hardware and software integrations.





Technologies / Framework


Sensor Integration / Swarm Intelligence85%

Gazebo / Rviz100%

Computing Environments


Raspberry Pi80%

Design & Manufacturing Tools


Fusion 36090%


  • Work Experience

  • Lead Robotics System Designer

    PICT Robotics - Sept 2022 - Aug 2023

    Led a 4-member team in developing modular code to semi-automate ABU Robocon 2023 Robots using ROS.

    Introduced custom ROS messages to enhance motor parameter transmission methodology.

    Integrated sync packets in ESP32-Raspberry Pi serial communication for synchronization.

    Utilized sensor integration for precise robot localization, fusing IMU and Optical Mouse Sensor data.

    Resolved ESP32 pin limitations by crafting a Motor Controller HAT with Atmega328p for each Swerve pod.

    Developed cost-effective Swerve Drive using CNC Milling and Sheet Metal for Robocon robots.

  • Design Engineer

    PICT Robotics - Apr 2021 - Aug 2022

    Derived locomotion equations for Analog Joystick-controlled Differential Drive using ESP32's Dual-Core.

    Executed rotary encoder-based PID control on STM32 micro-controller for three-wheel holonomic and four-wheel mecanum drives.

    Designed Fusion 360 mounts for ABU Robocon 2022 Robots, optimized for 3D printing.

  • Electronics Engineer (Intern)

    Kanan Park - Apr 2022 - Jun 2022

    Developed control software using Teensy micro-controller as the master, interfacing with the RC transmitter. Utilized Arduino Nano as a slave for PID control of individual swerve pods.

    EEstablished communication protocols between Arduino Nano and Teensy using MAX485 (TTL to RS485), including synchronized transmission with an acknowledge symbol.

  • Education

  • Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication

    Pune Institute of Computer Technology, Pune Aug 2020 - July 2024

    GPA: 9.02/10


Modern Robotics: Foundations of Robot Motion

Strong grasp of degrees of freedom, configuration space topology, rigid body positioning through homogeneous transformation matrices, and spatial velocities using twist and screw axes.

Modern Robotics: Robot Kinematics

Forward kinematic using Product of Exponential. Jacobian to calculate velocity kinematics and statics of open chains. Singularities and Manipulability. Inverse Kinematics using Newton-Raphson iterative numerical method. Kinematics of close chains.

Python Classes and inheritance

Structured design flow of software systems using Python classes and inheritance along with usage of Test Cases and Exception handling

Trees and Graphs

Advance data structures used to solve problems like Topological Sort, Strongly connected components, Minimal Spanning Tree and Shortest Path within a graph and algorithms - Bellman Ford, Dijkstra and Floyd Warshall used to solve Path Planning problem in Autonomous Robots

Robotics: Perception

Projection of 3D environment to 2D image by the robot. Pose Estimation of robot through visual sensing. Pose transformation using Homographies. Structure from Motion and generation of map using Bundle adjustment.